Application for competition or exhibition on a road

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You need to apply for a permit no later than 4 months before the competition or exhibition. If you do not submit your application on time, we may be forced to reject it.
Once the application has been received and the current fee has been paid, the County Administrative Board will start the processing of your application.

Processing fee

  • The fee for competitions on a road in one county is SEK 2,900.
  • The fee for competitions on a road affecting several counties is SEK 7,100.
  • Exhibitions on a road are free.

Requirements for other permits

Other permits may be required, for example from the Swedish Transport Administration, the Police or the municipality.
Examples of other permits could be:

  • permits in accordance with the Public Order Act on surrounding arrangements from the municipality or the Police
  • leasing of a public road from the Swedish Transport Administration,
  • consultation notification or permit especially for arrangements that are conducted in regulated natural areas (in addition to the application for competition/exhibition on a road) from the County Administrative Board.

Documents to be attached

Information on safety organisation, sickness and accident preparedness
If private roads are affected:

  • Consent from owner of a private road
  • Information on property owners, residents or right-of-use holders and any consent and suggestions for alternative routes or a plan for how these should be given the possibility to reach their destination


It is possible to use the map function in the service for an overview map. Detailed maps must be attached. If you choose not to use the map function in the service, you need to attach:

  • An overview map of a suitable scale
  • A detailed map for each route

The document must be in the file format PDF, TIF, JPG, DOC or DOCX.

Save your form on Mina sidor (My Pages)

If you want to be able to save your form while you are still working on it, you will need to log in using your electronic ID before you go to the form. Once you have done this, you will be able to save your form using the menu in the top right-hand corner whenever you wish. You will then find the form on Mina sidor (opens in a new tab) on the county administrative board’s website, where the form will be saved for 14 days from the time you last worked on it.